
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bulk file rename utility

not-so-scary screen of this utility
Sometimes you want to rename a series of files in one go. Windows has very limited functionality for this. Although it can rename files generating automatic postfixes like (1), (2) etc, it doesn't have the flexibility you need when your file names are important for you. In most cases you would like to have control over the file names of your photos, and manually changing "DCR000346" into "holiday photo 346" isn't much fun if you have to go through 100s of photos.

I use file names as important tags on the content. I add the following prefixes when working with files that are assignments that have to be sent in for payment:

  • + done
  • # billed
  • $ paid
  • ! error

Now it'd be nice to add and remove these prefixes with a simple utility. And we can do that using a tool simply called "Bulk Rename Utility". You can find it here:

It offers a lot more possibilities than this, like regular expressions, automatic numbering, insertion of folder names, date conversion and more.
And it has a preview-option so you can see the result before applying. Recommended!

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