
Friday, January 25, 2013

E-mail posting to

Here's the situation: You've managed a blog and it looks kind of neat, it has a lot of followers, and your heart grew attached to it. But you're too long in this game to ignore the obvious limitations of, and you have moved to a self-hosted site. But you want to keep the old blog going... This can be done effortlessly using the posting by e-mail function of IT not only allows you to send HTML E-mails (provided the markup is correct), but it also accepts a number of shortcodes like so [tag cool, e-mail, posting, geek] [category Wordpress] [delay +2 hours] [more] [geotag on] [publicize on] Check out the full list of possibilities here: So, when sending these e-mails with a plugin from a self-hosted WP site, you can create an action hook to add the tag and category shortcodes. Will look into that next time.


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